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Life at Trilitech | Brian Lin, DeFi Analyst


Welcome to another edition of our Life at Trilitech series!

This week, we’re excited to introduce Brian, a DeFi Analyst with a passion for crypto. 

Can you summarise your career before Trilitech?

Before joining Trilitech, I was a student contemplating a career in traditional finance. A friend nudged me towards crypto and I found it to be a rapidly evolving field where I could learn something new. I studied management for my master’s degree which led to an opportunity to intern at a crypto start-up. This is my first full-time job and it’s been exciting so far. 

What does your day-to-day look like?

My role is focused on supporting the senior members of the team. I help find infrastructure partners to make projects usable, conduct research on trending DeFi topics, as well as assess grant and investment proposals to see if they can materialise. My days are filled with a variety of tasks that keep me engaged and constantly learning.

What are you currently working on?

I’m working on several projects. One of the main initiatives is the DeFi Catalyst Accelerator (DCA), an event to identify the most promising projects that we’d like to work closely with and bring them to the Tezos DeFi ecosystem.

After a two-week in-person session in Singapore and the remaining four-week remote session, our team selected three promising projects: HanjiPlend, and Rivo.

  • Hanji: A DEX with a central limit order book model, made possible by Etherlink’s stellar features, stands out for its unique approach. 

  • Plend: A money market for users to borrow and lend seamlessly, aiming to become a leader in the cross-chain lending sector.

  • Rivo: A yield marketplace where users can invest in various pools on the platform securely and easily.

How would you describe your first month at Trilitech? How is it different today?

My first month was a steep learning curve. I learned a lot from the senior team members, particularly Nico (Head of DeFi), who is incredibly knowledgeable and explains complex technical terms in a simple way.

The team has been very supportive, and the flat structure allows me to talk directly to Nico and get my questions answered. Today, I feel more integrated and confident in my role.

What three words come to mind when you think about Trilitech?

Fast-paced, collaborative, and freedom.

How would you describe the company culture?

It’s highly collaborative, everyone is kind and easy to work with. The willingness to help one another stands out, and the free snacks and gym facilities are a nice bonus.

What was your journey into Web3?

Opportunities for junior people in Web3 are limited, and the opportunity at Trilitech was very appealing. Combining crypto and finance, it seemed like the perfect place to start my career.

What’s been your highlight so far?

I’ve enjoyed working on a variety of projects and having the opportunity to attend Consensus 2024 with the other teams. Nico’s trust in me to be present at such a significant event was a big confidence booster.

What would you like to achieve in the next couple of months?

I’m looking forward to Etherlink’s upcoming launch. My goals are to ensure all the main projects are working properly and to attract a lot of TVL.

Do you have any tips for breaking into the industry?

Follow all the influencers on Twitter to stay updated. Build a network by reaching out to people on LinkedIn and Telegram. Do your own research thoroughly. Read articles, whitepapers, and documentation on each project. 


Brian’s journey into DeFi at Trilitech is just beginning, and we’re excited to see all the great things he will achieve. Stay tuned for more stories from the team!
